#b post pics.. Stop writing.. Fuckin post pics.. Don't post pics of things you hate.. Like cargo shorts... Post pics of you making an ass out of yourself and pics of things that suck around you then talk shit on those things... Well mostly ugly people or scenester faggots (not the gay kind)
#% post newdz... Everyone loves sex even if it's gross sex.. You've banged an ugly guy.. Admit it.. It felt good when it first went in and you were impressed how fast you made him cum... Or you fucked a way fat girl and you were stoked how many times "she came" you know.. It was like a hundred times...
So. Yeah... Learn how to blog.. And P fukin esss don't spell check it's for teachers and uptight women who want to fuck their dads... So pretty much just teachers (male teachers are actually woman that want to fuck their dads)
Location:W Oakdale Ave,Chicago,United States